Meet Carrie Tan

Transformation coach and healer, culture-shifter.

A change-maker and coach to master coaches, performance coaches, influencers, venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, changemakers, public, private & people sector leaders, Carrie has effected positive transformation in individuals, teams and organizations, connecting thousands of people to meaning, purpose and growth.

Be the change you want to see in the world

Carrie founded and is Strategic Advisor to two charitable organizations in Singapore enabling individuals towards social mobility. Her leadership of Daughters Of Tomorrow led to it being awarded the Most Investment-worthy Social Enterprise by the Asian Centre for Social Entrepreneurship & Philanthropy (ACSEP) under National University of Singapore in 2015.

In Nov 2015, Carrie was selected from amongst 500 young leaders in the region from the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative to introduce President Obama at Town Hall in Kuala Lumpur. In 2016, she was mentioned and quoted by President Obama in the White House, and awarded Honoree for the Children, World Peace and Human Rights category in the Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award by Junior Chambers International in Singapore.

Carrie is now a Member of Parliament in Singapore. She champions women’s development, mental wellness, social mobility and community care. She speaks, writes, coaches and trains on self-awareness, self-leadership, authentic communication, emotional awareness, inner mastery, change-making and contributes regularly at leadership, philanthropy and policy conferences.

Her transformation practice – “Lightbearers” brings light, learning and healing to individuals, communities and systems.

“I lead clients through a journey of introspection and inquiry into their lives using presencing, mind-body-emotion awareness, and mindfulness techniques, among others. Preconditions for success are Courage, Compassion, and the willingness to work on themselves.

Clients who are successful in their self-work process experience mental and emotional liberation, ease in their lives, better relationships, and increased capacity in their daily lives. Those who face stagnation in their careers will discover new opportunities and new trajectories. Inner peace, joy, and better intimacy in their relationships have also been observed by clients.”

Individuals will be facilitated to discover:

  • unconscious beliefs limiting their lives and how to step into personal power
  • triggers and emotional baggage that create unhelpful patterns and be led to transcend them towards self-actualization

Carrie is available for speaking engagements on the topic of personal mastery, change-making, women’s empowerment, leadership, and culture-building. Email for rates and an exploratory conversation.